Saturday, July 3, 2010

Rick's Letters

I have now gotten two letters from Rick and they have seriously made me know that everything is going to be ok and that these two years are not going to be as hard as I thought!! :) His letters have really made me feel like I am talking to him and it is just so nice to actually hear from him and know that he is doing ok!! Within the past two letters, he says he is loving the MTC and him and his companion and district are getting along GREAT!! It was so good to hear that he is doing so well in the MTC! I now have a favorite day of the week and that is Thursdays (the day that Rick's letters get to me!) It seriously makes my week when I receive a letter from him! I just got a box to save all of his letters in! It will be so great for me and him to look through them when he gets back and later on in our lives! I really did forget how much I love communicating through letters! Sure texting is and emails are great! But it means so much more when it is a handwritten letter! It shows that the person put time into it and you really know you mean a lot to that person when you receive a long letter from him! :) It is also so great to have something to hold on to and look back at years later! It is kind of like a scrapbook! :) I love it! I sent him his first letter AND package on Tuesday and it really did seem like I was putting everything in the letter and I hope he knows that when he is reading it!! :) Anyways what I am saying is that I love Rick's letters and I love hearing about how he is doing and I am so excited to hear about his adventures in Nicaragua! :)

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